Highrise Maintenance

2012-11-24 10.30.06North West Rope Access offers a single source and cost effective solution for those high level maintenance projects that facility managers have to address to protect building degradation with subsequent loss of investment and to safeguard the general public.

Rope access enables all those problems that involve working at height to be addressed quickly and economically with minimum disruption to each client. Solutions can be quickly implemented and dismantled safely – without risk to the public – and those costs generated by complicated project management reduced.

North West Rope Access has the skills and qualified personnel for many repair at height problems including:-

High level interior and exterior cleaning,
Localised brick and concrete repair,
Cladding repair, High level painting,
Sealant / mastic installation and reinstatement,
Guttering and down pipe repair.

If you require maintenance work to be carried out at height the North West Rope Access is the company to do it with its specialist skills in Coating applications, sealant installation and reinstatement and cladding repairs all provided from a single source experienced company.

Insurance, IRATA trained operatives and full RAMS will be provided for every job.



Getting to those hard to reach places